Hello and Welcome!

I'm Nicole, and I'm not your average "life coach" spewing rainbows and unicorns. I'm the excavator for your buried badassery, the locksmith for your mental jail, and the tour guide for the wildest trip you'll ever take – the journey into your own damn mind.

What's My Deal?

I crack open skulls and rewire brains. Okay, not literally (that would be messy), but pretty damn close. Through hypnosis, I bulldoze the mental walls your subconscious built while you weren't looking. Think of me as the wrecking ball for your self-imposed limitations.

But wait, there's more! (Cue infomercial voice)

I also sling tarot and oracle cards like a Vegas dealer on steroids. These aren't your grandma's fortune-telling tools. They're the mirror you've been afraid to look into, reflecting back the truth your soul's been screaming at you.

And just when you think we've gone deep, we dive into the Gene Keys. It's like 23andMe met a spiritual guru and had a love child. We're talking about unlocking the unique superpowers coded in your DNA. Yeah, you've got them. No, it doesn't involve wearing spandex (unless that's your thing, no judgment).

What's In It For You?

Whether you're here for a quick mind-bend or a full-on life overhaul, I've got your back. No fluff, no BS, just straight-up guidance to help you stop playing small and start setting the world on fire.

You're not broken, honey. You're just playing by a rulebook someone else wrote. It's time to rip it up and write your own.

Ready to unchain your brain, unleash your spirit, and make the universe your bitch? Let's do this.

Welcome to the revolution. Your soul will thank you. Your comfort zone? Not so much.

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The Unfiltered Truth About Nicole

Alright, let's cut the crap and get real. You want to know who I am? Let’s go on a brief journey, shall we?

I'm Nicole, and I'm not your average cookie-cutter coach, guide, or whatever title you feel the need to slap on me. This gig? It's not a job, it's a damn calling. I didn't just wake up one day and decide to poke around in people's heads. Nope. I've been on my own wild ride of self-discovery, and let me tell you, it's been one hell of a trip.

The Explorer With a Twist

I've got an incurable case of curiosity. New recipe? I'll burn it trying. Spontaneous road trip? I'm already in the car. Fresh book smell? Better than drugs (and legal, too). I dive into the unknown like it's a pool on a hot day – with enthusiasm and a slight chance of belly-flopping.

Nature's My Drug of Choice

Trees, sky, dirt under my feet – that's my jam. Nature isn't just pretty screensaver material for me; it's where I plug in my soul and recharge. It's my therapist, my muse, and my reality check all rolled into one.

Caffeine and Contemplation

In my downtime (ha, what's that?), you'll find me clutching coffee like it's the elixir of life or water like I'm a cactus in the desert. I'm either lost in thought (it's a nice neighborhood, I visit often) or furiously typing out blog posts that'll make you question everything you thought you knew.

No-Bullshit Guidance

Here's the deal: I'm not here to coddle you or blow sunshine up your ass. My guidance is like a shot of tequila – straight-up and burns a little, but damn, does it get the job done. I get that every soul's journey is as unique as a snowflake (or a fingerprint, if you're not into the fluffy stuff). I'm here to walk that path with you, no matter how weird or winding it gets.

The Bottom Line

So, that's me – unfiltered, unapologetic, and ready to help you turn your life into the adventure it was meant to be. I'm not just a guide; I'm a fellow traveler on this crazy cosmic journey. The only difference? I've got a map, a flashlight, and a wicked sense of humor.

Ready to ditch the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? Let's rock this journey together. Your soul will thank you, your comfort zone will hate you, and I'll be here cheering you on every step of the way.

Lost? Confused? Just Bored as Hell?

Listen up, hot stuff. If you're scratching your head wondering where to start, or if you're just tired of the same old BS, I've got news for you: indecision is for amateurs.

Here's what you're gonna do:

  1. Grab a cup of coffee (or whatever liquid courage you prefer).

  2. Click that "Coffee Chat" button like your life depends on it (spoiler: it kinda does).

  3. Prepare for a conversation that'll make your brain cells high-five each other.

So, what's it gonna be? Another day of "meh," or the first day of "hell yeah!"?

Coffee Chat

(Click here, you know you want to.)

Hey You! Yeah, YOU. It's Time to Set Your Soul on Fire 🔥

Forget "unleashing your greatness." We're not here to unleash—we're here to detonate that badassery you've kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

This isn't just a coaching session, sweetheart. It's a jailbreak for your potential. A middle finger to mediocrity. The kind of journey that'll make your future self high-five you so hard, you'll feel it in another dimension.

Are you:

  • Sick of playing small?

  • Done with letting fear be your co-pilot?

  • Ready to make the universe your bitch?

Booking this session isn't just the beginning—it's the big bang of your personal revolution.

So, what's it gonna be? Another day of "what if," or the first day of "just watch me"?

1:1 Guidance

Slam this button like it owes you money!

Ready to Hack Your Cosmic Source Code?

Forget "delving into deeper realms," honey. We're about to go full-on Matrix on your existence.

A Gene Keys Guidance Reading isn't just some woo-woo séance. It's like getting the cheat codes to your own damn life. We're talking about cracking open your DNA like a piñata and watching all your hidden superpowers spill out.

This isn't for the faint of heart. If you're cool with staying basic, keep scrolling. But if you're ready to:

  • Bitch-slap your limitations

  • Uncover the badassery encoded in your genes

  • Rewrite your destiny like it's a choose-your-own-adventure book

Then strap in, because this reading is about to turn your world inside out, upside down, and possibly diagonal.

So, what's it gonna be? Another day of being a mystery to yourself, or the day you start pulling the strings of your own destiny?

Gene Keys Guidance

Hit this button like you're punching mediocrity in the face!

Choose Your Weapon: Free Badassery or VIP Ass-Kicking?

Listen up, warriors. You've got two paths to enlightenment here. Pick your poison:

The Freebie Fierce (Cost: $0, Value: Priceless)

  • Get every mind-bending newsletter delivered straight to your eyeballs.

  • Dip your toes in the waters of transformation without spending a dime.

  • Warning: May cause sudden outbursts of "Holy shit, I can do that?!"

The Badass VIP ($60/year - cheaper than therapy, more effective than vodka)

Unlock the gates to the Fierce Files inner sanctum:

  1. Monthly "Ask Me Anything" Throwdown Starting October 2024, get ready for 60 minutes of unfiltered, live video madness. Bring your burning questions, leave with your mind blown.

  2. Exclusive Mind-Grenades VIP-only articles that'll make your brain cells do the macarena. Mixed in with the free stuff, because we're generous like that.

  3. Support the Rebellion Your hard-earned cash fuels this revolution. Think of it as funding a coup against your own limitations.

  4. Access All Areas Dive into the archives like it's a pool of liquid wisdom. Warning: May cause information overload and spontaneous life changes.

  5. Join the Fierce Fam Engage in the comments section - it's like Fight Club, but for personal growth. First rule: You DO talk about Fierce Club.

Still on the Fence?

For the love of all that's fierce, at least sign up for the free stuff. But if you're ready to inject rocket fuel into your transformation, go VIP. Your future self will thank you (probably with a time-traveling high five).

P.S. Want to stalk me professionally first? Fair enough. Check out my full array of mind-bending offerings on my website. But come back, yeah? We've got a universe to conquer.

Subscribe to The FIERCE Files

The Fierce Files is your weekly kick in the ass to stop playing small, embrace your inner badass, and show the world what happens when a Gen X woman decides to set her soul on fire and take no prisoners.


Proud member of Gen X and Midlife Revolution Expert! Burning down the BS society has force-fed us to rebuild bigger and badassier. Raw talks on transformation & spirituality. Ladies, let's rise together!